AEC Mechanical BIM Design Hardware Collaboration
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Standing out from the crowd
Feature | November 2020
Bentley's LEGION simulation software for predicting the movement of crowds and pedestrian flows through stations and airports is being used to plan socially distanced...
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Real-time VR rendering
Feature | November 2020
Steve Brann, MD of CAD School UK looks at the capabilities of the top three real-time 3D rendering applications: Twinmotion, Enscape and Lumion
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Excitech DOCS
Case Study | November 2020
Embedding efficiencies at BES Ltd with Excitech DOCS
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Planning ahead
Technology Focus | November 2020
Matt Keen, Senior Industrial Strategist, Autodesk Construction Solutions, explains why technology should be at the heart of England's planning reforms
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3d models give a sense of place to dcsk
News | November 2020
London agency DCSK is using 3D building models from Bluesky to inform the design of high profile urban residential developments.
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Model coordination for the full team
News | November 2020
Autodesk has launched a new model coordination workflow between two of its flagship products, Navisworks and BIM 360 Model Coordination.
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News | November 2020
Members of the National Housing Federation and UK BIM Alliance are collaborating on a joint project to help Housing Associations implement digital asset management.
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Managing revit warnings with ideate
News | November 2020
Ideate Software has launched Ideate Dashboard for Autodesk BIM 360, a data visualisation service that uses proprietary technology to provide information related...
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Carol Massay leads wice awards panel
News | November 2020
The European Women In Construction & Engineering Awards has been designed to find the most exemplary women within construction and engineering across Europe.

Latest Issue


An opportunity not to be wasted

The Governments changes to the planning laws last July aren’t an opportunity to tear down the walls between town and country – and to decimate protected green spaces – but to create an opportunity for greater public participation in the planning process. At the moment it is still very much an ‘us and them’ situation, where planning committees appear to make controversial decisions about local infrastructure and builders fill housing estates with snag-ridden substandard properties. The public go through hoops to raise objections to the first, and suffer the consequences of investing in the latter.

The article in this newsletter by Autodesk’s Matt Keen highlights the advantages that technology is bringing to public and major infrastructure projects which appear to have bypassed the local consultation processes and the rapaciousness will continue. Planning committees will rubber-stamp more developments to fulfil the Governments requirements for more homes, and builders will push further into the green belt.

Matt outlines the technologies that would make an impact on the way we handle new developments – from BIM to Generative Design and offsite manufacturing. Why can’t the public be given the opportunity to view local developments and comment on them on-line? Why should builders get away with shoddy construction, approved using basic 2D drawings? Why are housing developments being built based on how many you can fit in a given plot rather than the impact they will have on the environment and the wellbeing of their occupants?

Matt builds a compelling case. Who is going to kick-start the real changes that we need?

David Chadwick

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